
Terrace Road Primary School

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Terrace Road Primary School

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Healthy Schools

Terrace Road School is a Healthy School!


At Terrace Road, we show a dedication to health and well-being that is central to school life. We seek to actively promote the health, relationships and self-esteem of all members of the school community – staff, pupils, parents, governors and beyond. Our commitment to health has led us to gain phase 6 of the Healthy Schools Scheme. 
We are now working to achieve the National Quality Award. We must show we have demonstrated a whole school, embedded approach to health in the following key areas:

• Food and Fitness
• Mental and Emotional Health and Well Being
• Personal Development and Relationships
• Substance Use and Misuse
• Environment
• Safety
• Hygiene


Pupil participation is vital for leading policy and their ideas will inform our strategic planning for school improvement.  Led by an NQA team, the pupils will have every opportunity to share ideas, reflect together and work to enhance the environment of the school.  
For future developments, watch this space!
