
Terrace Road Primary School

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Terrace Road Primary School

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What Is Homework? 

Any learning activity that pupils are asked to do outside of normal lesson time can be regarded as homework. The homework task is generally related to work that pupils are doing in school , often as preparation, consolidation or follow-up. Homework can be done by pupils working on their own, or at home with the support of parents or carers.

Homework at Terrace Road

It is recognised that homework can act as a means of furthering a child's learning if it is set and undertaken correctly. Sensitivity must be applied when setting homework in terms of the child's age, needs and ability. Homework can help strengthen liaison between the home and school.

Although homework cannot be regarded as being compulsory we consider it to be part of the pupil's school work, and is a back up system for teaching and learning in the school. Communication will be sent to each parent informing them of the School Homework policy and asking them if they do or do not agree to participate in this policy.



Pupils and parents should feel that homework is:

  • closely related to the work pupils have been engaged in, in school;
  • relevant to their own understanding and needs by contributing to children's learning;
  • providing extra practice for some of their weakness in certain areas;
  • to provide individual research work for later classroom discussion and therefore help pupils develop interests and prepare for new work;
  • to provide them with the experience of working with their parents or later by themselves without immediate recourse to a teacher or other pupils;
  • to consolidate or extend work already covered in school;
  • to help develop the skills of independent learning.