
Terrace Road Primary School

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Terrace Road Primary School

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Eco Schools

Action Plan 2022-2023

2022 - 2023 Eco Warriors 


Land Phase 

Squirrels - Seren and Neha

Hedgehogs - Rory and Summer

Foxes - Esra, Armin and Arthur


Sky Phase 

Robins - Poppy, Faziah and Kenan

Wrens - Braxton and Oscar C 

Macaws - Amelia and Mostafa

Kingfishers - Joshua, Rukieye and Lexi

Toucans - Sumu, Rajashwee and Dawud

In May 2023, we retained the prestigious Eco Schools Platinum Award . A huge thank you to past and current Eco Committees and in particular Miss Tyler for all her efforts this year. 

The Eco Committee are committed to learning about and improving the environment. The Eco Committee cover nine topic areas to help our school achieve an overall approach to sustainable development and global citizenship. We choose a few at a time to improve upon and come up with an action plan. You can see what we have been up to in the sub-pages below.


Look out for our Eco Monitors checking waste, litter and energy around the school and surroundings.

Eco Warrior announcements to parents and the community

                                       ECO CODE

Schools should be healthy, so try to lead a healthy lifestyle.
Use things as many times as possible before throwing away.
Save water by turning off the taps.

Try to buy local or fair-trade produce.

Always put litter in the bins provided.

If you can, walk, cycle, take the bus or share cars.

Nurture the outdoor environment.

Always shut windows and doors when the heating is on.

Be careful not to leave things on standby.

Lights use lots of energy: turn them off!

Enjoy the benefits of an Eco friendly environment.

A Recognised Eco School Since 2004
