
Terrace Road Primary School

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Terrace Road Primary School

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Everyone, including schools, has an important role to play in finding more efficient ways to manage energy and reduce carbon dioxide emissions. By investigating the energy topic, we can work together to increase awareness of energy issues and change habits to improve the energy efficiency within the school and at home.

In a typical school, the main uses for energy are heating, lighting, cooking, hot water and electrical appliances. Surveys show that through simple low-cost and no-cost measures, schools can reduce their fuel bills significantly while also reducing their CO2 emissions.

It’s also important to remember that energy is not a topic to study in isolation. For example, there are many links with other aspects of the environmental performance of schools, such as water consumption, waste and recycling.

The Eco-Schools objectives in this area are:

  • to raise awareness of the importance of monitoring energy consumption by regularly tracking the school’s use of gas, electricity or oil - Caretaker/ Eco Monitors
  • to make pupils aware of the link between energy supply, energy use and the potential for environmental damage - Green Day Activities 
  • to make pupils aware of the link between energy use and financial cost - Dwr Cymru Workshop
  • to establish partnerships with energy providers, helping to put into place effective energy-saving measures - Size of Wales, Dwr Cymru, Seagrass Project and The Local Council
  • to show that simple low-or no-cost measures to conserve energy can be effective and bring about significant savings - Eco Assemblies 
  • to consider using alternative sources of energy - Class Projects