
Terrace Road Primary School

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Terrace Road Primary School

Home Page

What is LLC?

Languages, Literacy and Communication 


What Matters in Languages, Literacy and Communication

1. Languages connect us.

2. Understanding languages is key to understanding the world around us.

3. Expressing ourselves through languages is key to communication.

4. Literature fires imagination and inspires creativity.


Progression in Languages, Literacy and Communication


  • Increasing breadth and depth of knowledge
  • Deepening understanding of the ideas and disciplines within areas of learning and experience
  • Refinement and growing sophistication in the use and application of skills
  • Making connections and transferring learning into new contexts
  • Increasing effectiveness as a learner


Link to the Welsh government information:


Languges, Literacy and Communication at Terrace Road Primary


We want children to be able to listen actively, think for themselves in order to express their ideas, feelings and thoughts effectively in a variety of situations including class group and paired discussions, role-play, when presenting, debating and informal situations. We also want children to become confident at writing in a wide variety of contexts, in varied situations and for a broad range of purposes. 


We use a variety of resources and strategies to ensure this:


  • Rich literacy lessons based around high quality texts 
  • Giglets - Digital Literacy 
  • Guided Reading with a focus on the reading behaviours 
  • Read Write Inc (Reading Scheme)
  • Reading schemes - Oxford Reading Tree, Pie Corbett Reading Spine 
  • Pie Corbett Talk for Writing 
  • Spelling Attack and Vocabulary Attack 
  • Sharp Writers approach to teaching writing 
  • Literacy Intervention (Read Write Inc support and ALN interventions)
  • Wellcomm (Nursery and Reception Language Tool)
  • Variety of clubs: Giglets, Drama, Film Club (Intofilm), Welsh Club, French Club 


Subject Leaders: Mrs S. Roberts and Mrs S. Williams 

Why does the school provide two word documents which are the same file type?
