At Terrace Road Primary School we are very much focused on our school VALUES. These have recently been updated, taking on board the opinions of the children, parents and staff alike. The whole school community decided on a set of eight values which we thought were the most important and relevant to us.
At the start of each month, Mrs Evans takes an assembly to introduce the new value. She discusses with the children what the word means, what this value might look like in practice and why it is important to us. Children give examples of how these values could be shown in school and a poster is created to be displayed in each classroom as a reminder.
Throughout that month, children and staff can award a 'Values Leaf' to another child or group of children to celebrate how they have demonstrated that value. This is a lovely opportunity to celebrate the wonderful things going on around the school and in the yard. These leaves are added to our 'Values Tree' in the junior hall and gradually throughout the year our tree blossoms with wonderfully colourful leaves, each one celebrating our children and their strengths.
Click on the links below to find out more about our eight chosen values.