
Terrace Road Primary School

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Terrace Road Primary School

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School Term Dates and Holidays

School Term and Holiday Dates 2017



Spring Term 2017

Summer Term 2017


INSET DAY: Tuesday 3rd January

FIRST DAY OF TERM: Wednesday 4th January

END OF TERM: Friday 17th February

HALF TERM: Monday 20th to Friday 24th Feb  

SCHOOL OPENS: Monday 27th February

END OF TERM: Friday 7th April




INSET DAY: Monday 24th April

FIRST DAY OF TERM: Tuesday 25th April

END OF TERM: Friday 26th May

HALF TERM: Monday 29th May to Friday 2nd June

SCHOOL OPENS: Monday 5th June

END OF TERM: Friday 21st July




As a school we actively encourage parents not to take holidays during term time so that children can fully benefit from the opportunities their school provides. If children are not in school, they cannot learn.


Absences that are due to pupils being taken on holiday during term time will be recorded as unauthorised. If your child has 10 unauthorised absences (5 days), you may be liable for a fixed penalty fine.


If your child is absent from school you must contact the school to report the absence giving a reason and if possible, some indication how long your child may be away. It is your responsibility to ensure the school is informed of your child’s absence
